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Ibanez Cavity Depth

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Ibanez Cavity Depth

For 8's I'll usually use 2 springs in an arrow formation, outside holes on the trem block to the 2 inner hooks on the claw.. Orion ordered this Ibanez RG470 guitar back in 2000 or 2001 He’s never really been satisfied with it.. It needs 1 35 inches (35mm) of cavity depth Or, you can eaily modify the cavity depth as shown with the Jackson DK-2 installation below.. For 10 gauge sets I always add a 4th spring although 3 will work if Oct 21, 2012 Ibanez RG470 Rebuild and Modification – Phase 1 Some Background.. Add $25 00 if you want BOTH the Aux board AND normal controls AT THE PRESENT TIME (2019) WE HAVE NO GOOD AUX BOARD OPTION FOR STRATOCASTERS AND STRAT COPIES, UNLESS YOU REMOVE THE MIDDLE POT. Click

This eliminates much installation labor It also makes the end product more consistent, and greatly reduces the chance that uncontrolled squealing (oscillation) or 'grunge' in the guitar signal due to crosstalk from certain Sustainiac wires to the guitar signal wires.. Ibanez makes some extremely good guitars, but like most brands, they also make some real junk.. As our company Maniac Music Inc grows with the increasing popularity of the Sustainiac, we have less and less time to answer hundreds of customer calls for help with their Sustainiac installations. 2

We have used Auxilliary ('Aux') circuit boards for years for our guitar manufacturer customers such as Jackson, Schecter and Ibanez.. Scroll down to see the photos below We have decided to make this an option in order to reduce the complexity of installing the Sustainiac, and also to reduce the chance of installation errors which sometimes causes frustration with customers and even skilled technicians.

I say glued it to the cavity Jun 02, 2020 Ibanez electric trem cavity repair Discussion in 'Other Guitars, other instruments' started by euphi, May 21, 2020. e10c415e6f

In fact we think this will make the typical Sustainiac installation so much easier and less expensive for our customers that this will become the most popular installation option.. Ibanez Cavity Depth ScaleIbanez Cavity Depth SystemIbanez Cavity Depth MapSCROLL DOWN FOR MORE INFOTypical setup for 9-42 gauge strings using the typically found 52mm springs found in most Ibanez.. Our new 'Aux-TT' board with toggle controls sits vertically in the control cavity as shown in the photo of a Jackson DK-2 guitar cavity below.. These boards hold the Sustainiac controls The Aux boards connect to our main circuit boards by pre-wired harnesses.